"""Module for utility functions for data loading.
.. doctest-skip::
>>> from viqa import load_data
>>> img_path = "path/to/image.mhd"
>>> img = load_data(img_path)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from viqa import ImageArray, crop_image, normalize_data
>>> img = np.random.rand(128, 128)
>>> img.dtype
>>> type(img)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> img = ImageArray(img)
>>> type(img)
<class 'viqa.utils.loading.ImageArray'>
>>> img = normalize_data(img, data_range_output=(0, 255))
>>> img.dtype
>>> img = crop_image(img, (0, 64), (0, 64))
>>> img.shape
(64, 64)
# Authors
# -------
# Author: Lukas Behammer
# Research Center Wels
# University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, 2023
# CT Research Group
# Modifications
# -------------
# Original code, 2024, Lukas Behammer
# License
# -------
# BSD-3-Clause License
import csv
import glob
import os
import re
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import skimage as ski
from scipy.stats import kurtosis, skew
from torch import Tensor
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
from .deprecation import RemovedInFutureVersionWarning
from .misc import _to_grayscale
from .visualization import visualize_2d, visualize_3d
class ImageArray(np.ndarray):
Class for image arrays.
This class is a subclass of :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` and adds attributes for image
mean_value : float
Mean of the image array
median : float
Median of the image array
variance : float
Variance of the image array
standarddev : float
Standard deviation of the image array
skewness : float
Skewness of the image array
kurtosis : float
Kurtosis of the image array
histogram : tuple
Histogram of the image array
minimum : float
Minimum value of the image array
maximum : float
Maximum value of the image array
input_array : np.ndarray
Numpy array containing the data
obj : ImageArray
New instance of the ImageArray class
def __new__(cls, input_array):
Create a new instance of the ImageArray class.
input_array : np.ndarray
Numpy array containing the data
obj : ImageArray
New instance of the ImageArray class
# Input array is an already formed ndarray instance
obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
Finalize the array.
obj : object
Object to finalize
if obj is None:
# Add attributes
self.mean_value = getattr(
obj, "mean_value", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.median = getattr(
obj, "median", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.variance = getattr(
obj, "variance", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.standarddev = getattr(
obj, "standarddev", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.skewness = getattr(
obj, "skewness", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.kurtosis = getattr(
obj, "kurtosis", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.histogram = getattr(
obj, "histogram", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.minimum = getattr(
obj, "minimum", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
self.maximum = getattr(
obj, "maximum", "Not set. Run calculate_statistics() first."
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
"""Make sure that an ImageArray is returned when a ufunc operation is performed
on the ImageArray class.
# Adapted code by @Thawn from
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51520630/subclassing-numpy-array-propagate-attributes
# convert inputs and outputs of class ImageArray to np.ndarray to prevent
# infinite recursion
args = (
(i.view(np.ndarray) if isinstance(i, ImageArray) else i) for i in inputs
outputs = kwargs.pop("out", [])
if outputs:
kwargs["out"] = tuple(
(o.view(np.ndarray) if isinstance(o, ImageArray) else o)
for o in outputs
outputs = (None,) * ufunc.nout
# call numpys implementation of __array_ufunc__
results = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs)
if results is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
if method == "at":
# method == 'at' means that the operation is performed in-place. Therefore,
# we are done.
# now we need to make sure that outputs that where specified with the 'out'
# argument are handled correctly:
if ufunc.nout == 1:
results = (results,)
results = tuple(
(result.view(ImageArray) if output is None else output)
for result, output in zip(results, outputs, strict=False)
return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
def calculate_statistics(self):
"""Calculate statistics of the image array.
.. admonition:: The following statistics are calculated:
* mean
* median
* variance
* standard deviation
* skewness
* kurtosis
* histogram
* minimum
* maximum
# Add attributes
self.mean_value = np.mean(self)
self.median = np.median(self.view())
self.variance = np.var(self.view())
self.standarddev = np.std(self.view())
self.skewness = skew(self.view(), axis=None)
self.kurtosis = kurtosis(self.view(), axis=None)
if self.view().dtype.kind in ["u", "i"]:
self.view().histogram = np.histogram(
self.view(), bins=np.iinfo(self.view().dtype).max
self.histogram = np.histogram(self.view(), bins=255)
self.minimum = np.min(self.view())
self.maximum = np.max(self.view())
def describe(
path: Union[str, os.PathLike, None] = None,
filename: Union[str, None] = None,
) -> dict:
Export image statistics to a csv file.
path : str or os.PathLike, optional
Path to the directory where the csv file should be saved
filename : str, optional
Name of the csv file
stats : dict
Dictionary containing the image statistics
If no path or filename is provided. Statistics are not exported.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from viqa import ImageArray
>>> img = np.random.rand(128, 128)
>>> img = ImageArray(img)
>>> img.describe(path="path/to", filename="image_statistics")
stats = {
"mean": self.mean_value,
"median": self.median,
"variance": self.variance,
"standarddev": self.standarddev,
"skewness": self.skewness,
"kurtosis": self.kurtosis,
"minimum": self.minimum,
"maximum": self.maximum,
if path and filename:
# export to csv
if not filename.lower().endswith(".csv"):
filename += ".csv"
# Create file path
file_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
with open(file_path, mode="w", newline="") as f: # Open file
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, stats.keys())
print(f"Statistics exported to {file_path}")
"No path or filename provided. Statistics not exported.", RuntimeWarning
return stats
def visualize(
self, slices: Tuple[int, int, int], export_path=None, **kwargs
) -> None:
Visualize the image array.
If export_path is provided, the visualization is saved to the directory.
slices : Tuple[int, int, int]
Slices for the x, y and z axis
export_path : str or os.PathLike, optional
Path to the directory where the visualization should be saved
**kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments for visualization. See
If the image is not 2D or 3D.
If the image is 2D, the parameter slices will be ignored.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from viqa import ImageArray
>>> img = np.random.rand(128, 128, 128)
>>> img = ImageArray(img)
>>> img.visualize(slices=(64, 64, 64))
if self.ndim == 3:
visualize_3d(self, slices, export_path, **kwargs)
elif self.ndim == 2:
warn("Image is 2D. Parameter slices will be ignored.", RuntimeWarning)
visualize_2d(self, export_path, **kwargs)
raise ValueError("Image must be 2D or 3D.")
def _load_data_from_disk(file_dir: str | os.PathLike, file_name: str) -> ImageArray:
Load data from a file.
file_dir : str or os.PathLike
Directory of the file
file_name : str or os.PathLike
Name of the file with extension
img_arr : ImageArray
Numpy array containing the data
If the file extension is not supported \n
If the bit depth is not supported \n
If no bit depth was found \n
If no dimension was found
# Create file path components
file_name_split = os.path.splitext(file_name) # Split file name and extension
file_ext = file_name_split[-1]
file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name) # Complete file path
# Check file extension
if file_ext == ".mhd": # If file is a .mhd file
img_arr = load_mhd(file_dir, file_name)
return ImageArray(img_arr)
elif file_ext == ".raw": # If file is a .raw file
img_arr = load_raw(file_dir, file_name)
return ImageArray(img_arr)
elif file_ext == ".nii":
img_arr = load_nifti(file_path)
return ImageArray(img_arr)
elif file_ext == ".gz":
if re.search(".nii", file_name):
img_arr = load_nifti(file_path)
return ImageArray(img_arr)
raise ValueError("File extension not supported")
elif file_ext in [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".tiff"]:
img_arr = ski.io.imread(file_path)
return ImageArray(img_arr)
raise ValueError(
"File extension not supported"
) # Raise exception if file extension is not supported
def load_mhd(file_dir: str | os.PathLike, file_name: str | os.PathLike) -> np.ndarray:
Load data from a ``.mhd`` file.
file_dir : str or os.PathLike
Directory of the file
file_name : str or os.PathLike
Name of the file with extension
img_arr : np.ndarray
Numpy array containing the data
If the bit depth is not supported
>>> from viqa.utils import load_mhd # doctest: +SKIP
>>> img = load_raw("path/to/image.mhd") # doctest: +SKIP
file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name) # Complete file path
f = open(file=file_path) # Open header file
file_header_txt = f.read().split("\n") # Extract header lines
# Create dictionary from lines
file_header = {
key: value
for line in file_header_txt[0:-1]
for key, value in [line.split(" = ")]
data_file_path = os.path.join(
file_dir, file_header["ElementDataFile"]
) # Get data file path from header
# Extract dimension
# Get DimSize from header and change to type int
dim_size = [int(val) for val in file_header["DimSize"].split()]
# Check bit depth
bit_depth = file_header["ElementType"] # Get ElementType from header
data_type: type[Union[np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any] | np.unsignedinteger[Any]]]
# Set data type according to bit depth
if bit_depth == "MET_USHORT":
data_type = np.ushort # Set data type to unsigned short
elif bit_depth == "MET_UCHAR":
data_type = np.ubyte # Set data type to unsigned byte
elif bit_depth == "MET_FLOAT":
data_type = np.float32 # Set data type to float32
raise ValueError(
"Bit depth not supported"
) # Raise exception if the bit depth is not supported
img_arr = _load_binary(data_file_path, data_type, dim_size)
return img_arr
def load_raw(file_dir: str | os.PathLike, file_name: str | os.PathLike) -> np.ndarray:
Load data from a ``.raw`` file.
file_dir : str or os.PathLike
Directory of the file
file_name : str or os.PathLike
Name of the file with extension
img_arr : np.ndarray
Numpy array containing the data
If the bit depth is not supported. \n
If no bit depth was found. \n
If no dimension was found.
>>> from viqa.utils import load_raw # doctest: +SKIP
>>> img = load_raw("path/to/image.raw") # doctest: +SKIP
# Create file path components
file_name_split = os.path.splitext(file_name) # Split file name and extension
file_name_head = file_name_split[0] # File name without extension
# Check dimension
dim_search_result = re.search(
r"(\d+(x)\d+(x)\d+)", file_name_head
) # Search for dimension in file name
if dim_search_result is not None: # If dimension was found
dim = dim_search_result.group(1) # Get dimension from file name
raise ValueError(
"No dimension found"
) # Raise exception if no dimension was found
# Extract dimension
dim_size = re.split("x", dim) # Split dimension string into list
dim_size = [int(val) for val in dim_size] # Change DimSize to type int
# Check bit depth
bit_depth_search_result = re.search(
r"(\d{1,2}bit)", file_name_head
) # Search for the bit depth in file name
if bit_depth_search_result is not None: # If the bit depth was found
bit_depth = bit_depth_search_result.group(1) # Get the bit depth from file name
raise ValueError(
"No bit depth found"
) # Raise exception if no bit depth was found
# Set data type according to bit depth
if bit_depth == "16bit":
data_type = np.ushort # Set data type to unsigned short
elif bit_depth == "8bit":
data_type = np.ubyte # Set data type to unsigned byte
raise ValueError(
"Bit depth not supported"
) # Raise exception if the bit depth is not supported
data_file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name) # Get data file path
img_arr = _load_binary(data_file_path, data_type, dim_size)
return img_arr
def load_nifti(file_path: str | os.PathLike) -> np.ndarray:
Load data from a ``.nii`` file.
file_path : str or os.PathLike
File path
img_arr : np.ndarray
Numpy array containing the data
>>> from viqa.utils import load_nifti # doctest: +SKIP
>>> img = load_nifti("path/to/image.nii.gz") # doctest: +SKIP
This function wraps the nibabel function :py:func:`nibabel.loadsave.load`.
img = nib.load(file_path)
img_arr = img.get_fdata() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return img_arr
def _load_binary(data_file_path, data_type, dim_size):
# Load data
with open(file=data_file_path, mode="rb") as f: # Open data file
img_arr_orig = np.fromfile(
file=f, dtype=data_type
) # Read data file into numpy array according to data type
if img_arr_orig.size != np.prod(dim_size):
raise ValueError(
"Size of data file ("
+ data_file_path
+ ") does not match dimensions ("
+ str(dim_size)
+ ")"
# Reshape numpy array according to DimSize
img_arr = img_arr_orig.reshape(*dim_size[::-1])
# Rotate and flip image
img_arr = np.rot90(img_arr, axes=(0, 2))
img_arr = np.flip(img_arr, 0)
return img_arr
def load_data(
img: np.ndarray | ImageArray | Tensor | str | os.PathLike,
data_range: int | None = None,
normalize: bool = False,
batch: bool = False,
roi: Union[list[Tuple[int, int]], None] = None,
) -> list[ImageArray] | ImageArray:
Load data from a numpy array, a pytorch tensor or a file path.
img : np.ndarray, viqa.ImageArray, torch.Tensor, str or os.PathLike
Numpy array, ImageArray, tensor or file path
data_range : int, optional, default=None
Maximum value of the returned data. Passed to
normalize : bool, default False
If True, data is normalized to (0, ``data_range``) based on min and max of img.
batch : bool, default False
If True, img is a file path and all files in the directory are loaded.
.. deprecated:: 4.0.0
This will be deprecated in version 4.0.0.
.. todo:: Deprecate in version 4.0.0
roi : list[Tuple[int, int]], optional, default=None
Region of interest for cropping the image. The format is a list of tuples
with the ranges for the x, y and z axis. If not set, the whole image is loaded.
img_arr : ImageArray or list[ImageArray]
:py:class:`viqa.utils.ImageArray` or list of
:py:class:`viqa.utils.ImageArray` containing the data
If input type is not supported \n
If ``data_range=None`` and ``normalize=True``
If ``data_range`` is set but ``normalize=False``. ``data_range`` will be
``batch`` will be deprecated in version 4.0.0.
.. todo:: Deprecate in version 4.0.0
.. doctest-skip::
>>> from viqa import load_data
>>> path_r = "path/to/reference/image.mhd"
>>> path_m = "path/to/modified/image.mhd"
>>> img_r = load_data(path_r)
>>> img_m = load_data(path_m)
>>> from viqa import load_data
>>> img_r = np.random.rand(128, 128)
>>> img_r = load_data(img_r, data_range=255, normalize=True)
# TODO: Deprecate in version 4.0.0
if batch:
raise RemovedInFutureVersionWarning(
"Batch loading is deprecated and will be removed in ViQa 4.0.x."
# exceptions and warning for data_range and normalize
if normalize and data_range is None:
raise ValueError("Parameter data_range must be set if normalize is True.")
if not normalize and data_range is not None:
"Parameter data_range is set but normalize is False. Parameter "
"data_range will be ignored.",
img_arr: list[np.ndarray] | np.ndarray
# Check input type
match img:
case str() | os.PathLike(): # If input is a file path
# Check if batch
if batch:
# Get all files in directory
files = glob.glob(img) # type: ignore[type-var]
img_arr = [] # Initialize list for numpy arrays
# Load data from disk for each file
for file in tqdm(files):
file_dir = os.path.dirname(img)
file_name = os.path.basename(img)
img_arr = _load_data_from_disk(
file_dir, file_name
) # Load data from disk
case ImageArray(): # If input is an ImageArray
img_arr = img # Use input as ImageArray
case np.ndarray(): # If input is a numpy array
img_arr = img # Use input as numpy array
case Tensor(): # If input is a pytorch tensor
img_arr = img.cpu().numpy() # Convert tensor to numpy array
case [np.ndarray()]: # If input is a list
# TODO: Deprecate in version 4.0.0
img_arr = img # Use input as list of ImageArrays
batch = True # Set batch to True to normalize list of numpy arrays
case _:
raise ValueError(
"Input type not supported"
) # Raise exception if input type is not supported
# Normalize data
if normalize and data_range:
if batch:
img_arr = [
normalize_data(img=img, data_range_output=(0, data_range))
for img in img_arr
elif not isinstance(img_arr, list):
img_arr = normalize_data(img=img_arr, data_range_output=(0, data_range))
if roi:
# Crop image
if batch:
img_arr = [crop_image(img, *roi) for img in img_arr]
elif not isinstance(img_arr, list):
img_arr = crop_image(img_arr, *roi)
img_final: list[ImageArray] | ImageArray
if isinstance(img_arr, ImageArray):
img_final = img_arr
elif isinstance(img_arr, list):
img_final = [ImageArray(img) for img in img_arr]
img_final = ImageArray(img_arr)
return img_final
def normalize_data(
img: np.ndarray | ImageArray,
data_range_output: Tuple[int, int],
data_range_input: Union[Tuple[int, int], None] = None,
automatic_data_range: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray | ImageArray:
"""Normalize an image to a given data range.
img : np.ndarray or ImageArray
Input image.
data_range_output : Tuple[int]
Data range of the returned data.
data_range_input : Tuple[int], default=None
Data range of the input data. Needs to be set if ``automatic_data_range`` is
automatic_data_range : bool, default=True
Automatically determine the input data range.
img_arr : np.ndarray or ImageArray
Input image normalized to data_range.
If data type is not supported.
If ``data_range`` is not supported.
If ``automatic_data_range`` is False and ``data_range_input`` is not set.
If data is already normalized.
Currently only 8 bit int (0-255), 16 bit int (0-65535) and 32 bit float (0-1)
data ranges are supported.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from viqa import normalize_data
>>> img = np.random.rand(128, 128)
>>> img_norm = normalize_data(
>>> img,
>>> data_range_output=(0, 255),
>>> automatic_data_range=True,
>>> )
>>> np.max(img_norm)
info: Union[np.iinfo, np.finfo]
# Check data type
if np.issubdtype(img.dtype, np.integer): # If data type is integer
info = np.iinfo(img.dtype)
elif np.issubdtype(img.dtype, np.floating): # If data type is float
info = np.finfo(img.dtype)
raise ValueError("Data type not supported")
# Check if data is already normalized
if info.max is not data_range_output[1] or info.min is not data_range_output[0]:
# Normalize data
if automatic_data_range:
img_min = np.min(img) # Get minimum value of numpy array
img_max = np.max(img) # Get maximum value of numpy array
if data_range_input is None:
raise ValueError(
"If automatic_data_range is False, data_range_input must be set."
img_min = data_range_input[0]
img_max = data_range_input[1]
# Normalize numpy array
img = (
(img - img_min)
* (data_range_output[1] - data_range_output[0])
/ (img_max - img_min)
) + data_range_output[0]
# Change data type
# If data range is 255 (8 bit)
if data_range_output[1] == 2**8 - 1 and data_range_output[0] == 0:
img = img.astype(np.uint8) # Change data type to unsigned byte
# If data range is 65535 (16 bit)
elif data_range_output[1] == 2**16 - 1 and data_range_output[0] == 0:
img = img.astype(np.uint16) # Change data type to unsigned short
# If data range is 1
elif data_range_output[1] == 1 and data_range_output[0] == 0:
img = img.astype(np.float32) # Change data type to float32
raise ValueError(
"Data range not supported. Please use (0, 1), (0, 255) or "
"(0, 65535) as data_range_output."
warn("Data is already normalized.", RuntimeWarning)
return img
def crop_image(
img: np.ndarray | ImageArray,
x: Tuple[int, int],
y: Tuple[int, int],
z: Union[Tuple[int, int], None],
) -> np.ndarray | ImageArray:
Crop the image array.
img : np.ndarray or ImageArray
Input image
x : Tuple[int, int]
Range for the x-axis
y : Tuple[int, int]
Range for the y-axis
z : Tuple[int, int] or None
Range for the z-axis
img_crop : np.ndarray or ImageArray
Cropped image array
If the image is not 2D or 3D.
If the image is 2D, the parameter z will be ignored.
if img.ndim == 2 or (img.ndim == 3 and img.shape[-1] == 3):
if z is not None:
warn("Image is 2D. Parameter z will be ignored.", RuntimeWarning)
img_crop = img[x[0] : x[1], y[0] : y[1]]
elif img.ndim == 3 and z is not None:
img_crop = img[x[0] : x[1], y[0] : y[1], z[0] : z[1]]
raise ValueError("Image must be 2D or 3D.")
return img_crop
def _check_imgs(
img_r: np.ndarray | Tensor | str | os.PathLike,
img_m: np.ndarray | Tensor | str | os.PathLike,
) -> Tuple[list | np.ndarray, list | np.ndarray]:
"""Check if two images are of the same type and shape."""
chromatic = kwargs.pop("chromatic", False)
# load images
img_r_loaded = load_data(img_r, **kwargs)
img_m_loaded = load_data(img_m, **kwargs)
if isinstance(img_r_loaded, np.ndarray) and isinstance(
img_m_loaded, np.ndarray
): # If both images are numpy arrays
# Check if images are of the same type and shape
if img_r_loaded.dtype != img_m_loaded.dtype: # If image types do not match
raise ValueError("Image types do not match")
if img_r_loaded.shape != img_m_loaded.shape: # If image shapes do not match
raise ValueError("Image shapes do not match")
elif type(img_r_loaded) is not type(img_m_loaded): # If image types do not match
raise ValueError(
"Image types do not match. img_r is of type {type(img_r_loaded)} and img_m "
"is of type {type("
elif isinstance(img_r, list) and isinstance(
img_m, list
): # If both images are lists or else
if len(img_r_loaded) != len(img_m_loaded): # If number of images do not match
raise ValueError(
"Number of images do not match. img_r has {len(img_r_loaded)} images "
"and img_m has {len(img_m_loaded)} images"
for img_a, img_b in zip(
img_r_loaded, img_m_loaded, strict=False
): # For each image in the list
if img_a.dtype != img_b.dtype: # If image types do not match
raise ValueError("Image types do not match")
if img_a.dtype != img_b.shape: # If image shapes do not match
raise ValueError("Image shapes do not match")
raise ValueError("Image format not supported.")
if not isinstance(img_r_loaded, list):
# Check if images are chromatic
if chromatic is False and img_r_loaded.shape[-1] == 3:
# Convert to grayscale as backup if falsely claimed to be non-chromatic
warn("Images are chromatic. Converting to grayscale.")
img_r_loaded = _to_grayscale(img_r_loaded)
img_m_loaded = _to_grayscale(img_m_loaded)
elif chromatic is True and img_r_loaded.shape[-1] != 3:
raise ValueError("Images are not chromatic.")
return img_r_loaded, img_m_loaded
def _resize_image(img_r, img_m, scaling_order=1):
# Resize image if shapes unequal
if img_r.shape != img_m.shape:
img_m = ski.transform.resize(
img_m, img_r.shape, preserve_range=True, order=scaling_order
img_m = img_m.astype(img_r.dtype)
return img_m